Useful Links

Singing coach used by the choir: Nicola Corbishley, soprano., or [email protected].

Click below to download Nicola’s Vocal Workshop handout:

Handout from Nicola C with copyright note

Spotify is a music “streaming” source that is free to listen to, and legal. You can pay to download music. It contains all types of music.

Naxos, a music “streaming”/download site that has lots of classical music. Linked from Naxos is Naxos Music Library  a music library with audio previews.

On the Gerontius  site “you will find searchable directories of uk choirs and choral concerts, and other choral music resources”, as recommended by past director Roger.

“British Choirs on the net”” – Very comprehensive (seemingly!) list of choirs in the UK. We’re there!

ChoralNet seems to be an international version of British Choirs on the net. We’re not on it at the moment, but I’ve submitted a request for a link.